High-Quality Uniforms Reflect High-Quality Brands
When you purchase a service and the company you chose has tattered uniforms with holes and stains that don’t look fresh – how can you trust them? Conversely, if you purchase a service and your chosen company has high-quality custom uniforms – it instills almost immediate trust. Crisp and clean uniforms lead customers to instinctively feel that they made the right decision. You become a high-quality brand in the minds of customers even before performing the service. The service seems like it will be performed with care. The company takes care of its employees and stays current on trends and necessary education to remain relevant. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Custom employee uniforms can psychologically lead potential customers to think that a service should cost more, and in turn, a company may be able to charge more. High-quality uniforms are an investment in more ways than one, but it all starts with the customer experience.
The Importance of High-Quality Uniforms
It is extremely important to customers that companies show up looking the part. If you are a high-end brand with basic t-shirts, you won’t convey the image you're aiming for. If you match your brand with the right quality of apparel, it will set the correct expectations for customers. You can even take a brand with subpar customer service, add higher-end apparel, and customers may become more forgiving. Knowing this, how could you not invest in higher-quality uniforms if it’s one of the easiest ways to gain trust with your customers?
The Impact of Embroidered Uniforms
Imagine a door-to-door salesperson showing up to your house in a t-shirt. How would you feel? That salesperson might come across as young and possibly inexperienced. You may even doubt their knowledge of the topic they are presenting. Now, change that t-shirt to an embroidered uniform – perhaps a polo, button-up shirt, or oxford – and the customer experience will change. That slight increase in investment in the salesperson gives customers a sense that they are more knowledgeable or trustworthy. On the other hand, if that same salesperson wore a suit, they might come across as unapproachable. When choosing uniforms, think of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears: finding the “just right” balance is key. This polo HERE is one of the most popular polos because it’s affordable, breathable, and doesn’t break the bank.
The Impact of Screen-Printed Uniforms
Screen-printed custom uniforms are among the most common, and for good reason. In service-based industries like restaurants or companies with many employees, outfitting each individual with embroidered polos, jackets, or other high-cost items can become a financial burden. With job-hopping on the rise and employee retention a constant challenge, it doesn’t make sense to give every employee high-quality uniforms from day one. Perhaps these can be given after three to six months. If you want to refresh your messaging for conferences, events, or new product launches, pairing that with a screen-printed t-shirt is the way to go. There are different qualities of t-shirts, and even high-end ones don’t strain budgets as much as embroidered polos or jackets. There’s a time and place for both types of apparel, and ultimately it depends on how a brand wants to represent itself and what the budget allows. This t-shirt HERE is one of the most popular in the world because it’s a mid-quality shirt that fits and feels good.
Brand Consistency Includes Employees
The customer experience is a major reason why companies choose high-quality custom uniforms for employees. However, it’s important to note that employee retention can also be improved by not skimping on uniforms. Offering cheap uniforms while promoting a high-quality product sends mixed messages to employees. If a company cares only about customers and profits, how can employees trust that their long-term needs will be met? Be consistent in your brand and put your employees first, even before your customers. When employees feel valued, it will shine through in the culture, and customers will recognize and appreciate the authenticity.
Bulk Orders Can Help You Save
Instead of placing orders every week or month, it’s much more affordable to order in bulk. If your budget allows, annualized ordering will stretch your funds further. You’ll also avoid the constant waiting on production and shipping, giving you quicker access to products with your logo. You can order in bulk and store items offsite, then request what you need, which will ship in just days. In times of budget restraint, ordering large quantities less frequently can help your company manage rising costs and growing employee numbers. Companies with more than 300 employees should especially consider this.
Be Branded Is a One-Stop Uniform Shop
If you are a small business looking to support other small businesses then you have come to the right place at Be Branded. We are only 5 years old and know the grind and hustle that other small businesses go through so let’s support each other! Do you need custom uniforms with embroidery? Be Branded can help. Do you need employee uniforms with screen-printing? Be Branded can help. Do you want to order embroidered or Direct to Film customized apparel in small quantities, even one at a time? Be Branded can help. Do you want to set up an online company store with pre-produced custom uniforms that employees can order as needed? Be Branded can help build and manage that company store for you and fulfill custom uniform orders as well. Do you need completely custom uniforms that don’t currently exist because you have specific preferences? Be Branded can help with that too! Be Branded is your one-stop uniform shop, no matter the type of customization, program, or apparel need.